Who we are

The event industry is not only our professional home, it’s also our personal passion.

Rigging has been a central ele­ment of our work from the very begin­ning of our ca­reers, an ele­ment which has espe­ci­ally inte­res­ted and mo­ti­va­ted us. After gain­ing years of com­pre­hen­sive ex­peri­ence in the field, the only logical step for us was to start our own com­pa­ny. We have both worked in event tech­no­lo­gy for over 15 years, col­lec­ting in­valu­able ex­pe­ri­ence.

We began with the basics and trained to become level 3 riggers, con­tin­ually learn­ing and devel­oping our skills to become experts in the field of event tech­no­lo­gy with an emphasis on rigging.

Niko Strack
(SQQ2 Level 3)
Stefan Hönig
(SQQ2 Level 3)

Rigging fas­ci­nates us due to its exci­ting chal­lenges and al­most end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties. Creating some­thing special in unusual set­tings in unique lo­ca­tions ap­peals great­ly to us. The vital atten­tion to detail in the plan­ning and con­struc­tion of trus­ses, loads and height is what moti­vates us. The ex­cite­ment of being be­hind the scenes in an area few see spurs us on. Over­coming any dif­fi­cul­ties and the com­ple­tion of the project and finally seeing a memor­able per­for­mance on the stage en­er­gi­zes and in­spi­res us.

Team planing phase

No two events are the same for a rig­ging com­pa­ny. Every loca­tion, event and day brings some­thing new with it which adds to our mo­ti­va­tion and keeps us fresh and on the ball. Plus, working with a wide range of dif­ferent people gives the job some­thing special which we love, some­thing that isn’t to be found in most other in­dus­tries. Every event is some­thing new and ex­ci­ting. This is why we founded Rocket Rigging.

We at Rocket Rigging love all aspects of the job: we’re fully com­mit­ted to every step of the pro­cess, from the ini­tial plan­ning of the sup­porting struc­ture to the fini­shed result. We’re 100% dedicated.

We are not only rigging experts: we are familiar with all aspects of the event busi­ness and have years of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence which en­riches our cur­rent focus on the plan­ning and or­ga­ni­za­tion aspects of an event.

We at Rocket Rigging really know what we’re talk­ing about. And we really love it when a plan works!
